Mandolin Template - Page


You can create custom pages in your Shopify admin to create content for your customers, such as an About Us page, or extra information about your products.


Customize section


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Find Mandolin theme that you want to edit, and then click Customize.
  3. Select the Pages from the dropdown at the top.
Note: All settings here will be applied to all pages, not just the one you are on. If you are looking to have different sections on different pages, see our unique page templates guide. Mandolin theme prebuild faq page, about page, contact page for you.

Page section


The Page section contains the following blocks:

  • Text banner
  • Contact form
  • Contact text
  • Question


Setting Description
Image The Image for the page right side.
Edit alt text Click to set image alt text for search engine optimization and to describe the image for customers using screen readers

Text banner block

Setting Description
Heading The title for the block.
Heading size Set the size of heading using the drop-down menu:
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Content The content for the block.

Contact form block

Setting Description
Description The description of the form.

Contact text block

Setting Description
Phone The title of the phone.
Phone text The content of the phone.
Email The title of the email.
Email text The content of the email.
Address The title of the address.
Address text The content of the address.

Question block

Setting Description
Heading The title of the question.
Expand answer Checked to expand answer by default.
Answer content The content of the answer.
Answer content from page Displays content from a page.

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