Mandolin Section - Product quick view


Product quick view section

The section contains the following blocks:

  • Title
  • Price
  • Variant picker
  • Quantity selector
  • Buy buttons
  • Share
  • Vendor
  • SKU
  • Text
  • Product rating
  • Custom liquid
  • @app

Section settings

Setting Description
Product Choose a product for the quick view preview.


The following blocks can be added to the Product quik view section.

Title block

Setting Description
Title size Changes the size of the text, choose from the drop-down menu:
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large

Price block

This block displays the product's pricing information, such as price and compare at price.

Setting Description
Show price taxes notice Check the checkbox to show taxes notice.

Variant picker block

This block displays any variant options for the product.

Setting Description
Picker type Changes how the variants are displayed to customers:
  • Button - Displays the variants as clickable buttons.
  • Dropdown - Displays the variants in an expandable drop-down menu.
  • Color swatch and dropdown - Displays the variants as clickable color buttons and an expandable drop-down menu.
  • color image swatch and dropdown - Displays the variants as clickable color buttons and an expandable drop-down menu.
  • Color swatch and button - Displays the variants as clickable color buttons.
  • Color image swatch and button - Displays the variants as clickable image buttons.

Buy buttons block

This block displays the "Add to cart" button and any in-store pickup information. It can also show any dynamic checkout buttons.

Setting Description
Show dynamic checkout buttons Displays any dynamic checkout options that you have enabled in your Payments settings.
Show local pickup availability Show customers where they can pick up the product.Learn more

Share block

This block displays a clickable link that lets customers share the product on their social media.

Setting Description
Text Text ahead the share icons.

Quantity selector block

Setting Description
Show inventory quantity Make sure that your inventory is tracked. Learn more
Inventory quantity threshold Only show inventory quantity if below threshold. Choose 0 to always show.

Custom liquid block

This block displays custom Liquid or HTML code that you can add to the block

Setting Description
Custom liquid Displays content that you can enter as Liquid or HTML code.

Section cases

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