Create multiple unique collection page templates
- Head to Admin > Online store > Customizetheme > Use the dropdown list at the top of the preview window to select Colections > Create template (this ensures your original collection template remains unchanged whilst we work on a new one).
- Add a name of your choice, like “Dress”
- Choose Default collection as your Based on option and click Create template
- Your new template will be loaded in the editor preview window to work on. If you wish to work on a different collection, click Change next to PREVIEW in the top left hand corner of the screen.
- Expand Collection products in the left hand side settings panel and add / remove any content blocks or add any sections you wish to display on your page. Here’s more information on how sections and content blocks work.
- Assign the template to your collection page by heading to Admin > Product > Collections > Select your collection > On the right side Online store section you will see an option for Theme template, click this and select the new template you created previously.
Make sure you have your theme published for this part, otherwise you won’t be able to select the template.
- Once you have assigned this template, click Save, and that’s it. You should now be able to view this collection page and see your unique layout applied.