Chord Fresh Section Case - Product quick view


Product quick view section

The section contains the following blocks:

  • Title
  • Price
  • Variant picker
  • Quantity selector
  • Buy buttons
  • Share
  • Vendor
  • SKU
  • Text
  • Product rating
  • Custom liquid
  • @app


The following blocks can be added to the Product quik view section.

Title block

Setting Value
Title size Medium

Price block

This block displays the product's pricing information, such as price and compare at price.

Setting Value
Size Small

Variant picker block

This block displays any variant options for the product.

Setting Value
Picker type Color image swatch and dropdown

Quantity selector block

Setting Value
Show inventory quantity Unchecked
Inventory quantity threshold 5

Buy buttons block

This block displays the "Add to cart" button and any in-store pickup information. It can also show any dynamic checkout buttons.

Setting Value
Show dynamic checkout buttons Checked
Show local pickup availability Checked

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